1. Animal Jam Vine Lamp
  2. Animal Jam Vine Lamp
  3. Animal Jam Vine Flower Lamp
  4. Animal Jam Vine Lamp Worth
  5. Animal Jam Vine Lamppost Worth
  6. Animal Jam Vine Lamp Post
Hey Guys! Thunder here, and today I would like to rant XD

On top of the lamp is a green four-leaf clover outlined with a golden color. The lamp shade is square with dark green and yellow panels that have big, three-leaf clovers printed on them. The lamp also has a short green pull-chain with a four-leaf clover at the bottom. There are dark, vine-like decorations the run along the bottom of the lamp as well as a light green vine that spirals up the center. Then lastly we have the member's only Flip Flop's for 350 gem's that will be leaving in 7 day's. Now onto Jam-Mart Furniture. We have only leaving item's from this shop! The leaving item's are: The member's only Vine Flower Lamp for 375 gem's leaving in 10 day's. We also have the member's only Vine Rug for 350 gem's leaving in 9 day's.

Anyways...Before I begin my little rant I would like to announce a few things
My Youtube is: RubixFuzionX!

Animal Jam Vine Lamp

I got my membership back! Yayz!

Animal Jam Vine Lamp

Now...On with the Rant!
I Can understand How AJ Is a place for kids, and teens alike but do you think that sometimes they pull it a bit TO far?
Well...I Do
Recently AJ Released the all new Paint Set to the den item pack!
They had all sorts of paint, Blue, green,purple,white,black and red....I mean they DID Have red
This morning (The date of this post) AJ Did have red paint
but a few hours later (5-6) The red paint was yellow! I know this because I was greenscreening a AJMV At my den, an AJMV Which involved blood, I was really happy with how the paint looked like blood since it was PERFECT to do with this certain AJMV
When I got on a few hours later I looked at my den items and the 'Blood' used to greenscreen was....Yellow! What The Hell? Jam
Aj is taking it a BIT To far...

Animal Jam Vine Flower Lamp

What is a younger kid wanted to use paint to decorate his/her den just because....Oh AJ
When will you let the older kids have a bit of maturity for once?

Animal Jam Vine Lamp Worth

Animal Jam Vine Lamppost Worth

Sorry for my bad grammar XD

Animal Jam Vine Lamp Post