1. Orb Slam2 Imu
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  3. Orb Slam2 Pdf
  4. Orb Slam2 Paper
Localization Models

ORB-SLAM2 requires enough information about the environment to initialize, so you can manually move the robot around to avoid large changes in translation or orientation. After ORB-SLAM2 initialized it will start publishing octomap. Aug 24, 2017 ORB-SLAM2 is a real-time SLAM library for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D cameras that computes the camera trajectory and a sparse 3D reconstruction (in the stereo and RGB-D case with true scale). It is able to detect loops and relocalize the camera in real time. ORB SLAM2 restricts updates to a local map, unless specific measurements suggest that a global update is needed, which is a lot more efficient if you can make it work. It was not immediately obvious (to me) that when one landmark’s belief is updated in EKF SLAM, all are.

Introduced by Mur-Artal et al. in ORB-SLAM2: an Open-Source SLAM System for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras

ORB-SLAM2 is a complete SLAM system for monocular, stereo and RGB-D cameras, including map reuse, loop closing and relocalization capabilities. The system works in real-time on standard CPUs in a wide variety of environments from small hand-held indoors sequences, to drones flying in industrial environments and cars driving around a city.

Source: Mur-Artal and Tardos

Image source: Mur-Artal and Tardos

Source: ORB-SLAM2: an Open-Source SLAM System for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras

Orb Slam2 Imu



Simultaneous Localization and Mapping521.74%
Visual Odometry313.04%
Semantic Segmentation28.70%
Autonomous Vehicles28.70%
Visual Localization28.70%
Instance Segmentation14.35%
Optical Flow Estimation14.35%
Monocular Visual Odometry14.35%
Visual Navigation14.35%

Usage Over Time

This feature is experimental; we are continuously improving our matching algorithm.


Orb Slam2 Gpu


Orb Slam2 Pdf

🤖 No Components FoundYou can add them if they exist; e.g. Mask R-CNN uses RoIAlign


Orb Slam2 Paper

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