Cybercrime is on the mind of every business — from the largest enterprise to small and mid-sized companies that may have limited technical expertise. Minimizing risk and controlling vulnerability must start from the very beginning of website development.

Free Vulnerability Scanner

Cybercrime resulted in business losses exceeding $2 trillion in 2019 alone. Much of this loss involved small businesses that have limited resources to address website vulnerabilities, making them attractive targets for hackers or internet criminals.

  1. OpenVAS is free of charge and is typically GNU General Public License (GPL) licensed. OpenVAS supports various device operations; For the network vulnerability checks, the Scan Engine of OpenVAS is periodically updated; OpenVAS Scanner is a robust vulnerability evaluation method for detecting security vulnerabilities on servers and other.
  2. Safety Scanner only scans when manually triggered and is available for use 10 days after being downloaded. We recommend that you always download the latest version of this tool before each scan. Safety scanner is a portable executable and does not appear in the Windows Start menu or as an icon on the desktop. Note where you saved this download.

Web Cookies Scanner is a free all-in-one security tool suitable for scanning web applications. It can search for vulnerabilities and privacy issues on HTTP cookies, Flash applets, HTML5 localStorage, sessionStorage, Supercookies, and Evercookies. The tool also offers a free URL malware scanner and an HTTP, HTML, and SSL/TLS vulnerability scanner. The Light version of the scanner is a free and very fast online tool which detects the CVEs that affect the network services of a target system, based on their version (ex.

Why businesses have invested in open source?

Open source code is offered by developers or groups of programmers to be reused, copied, modified, and utilized in developing web applications. This collaboration has made website development, gaming sites, and custom applications faster and more economical than “reinventing the wheel” in writing custom programs from scratch.

Web developers can take advantage of open source packages, modifying and adding code to satisfy business requirements. This results in useful programs without heavy investment in time and coding resources on boilerplate functionality. Additionally, it can add dependencies that are incompatible with your existing software and could contain hidden malware.

Open-Source Deployment Vulnerabilities

Open source frameworks and libraries can be effective tools for creating robust applications quickly, but there are vulnerabilities to be considered.


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Along with the benefits of rapid development and free availability of open source packages, looms the fact that the author of the code is often unknown. Knowledge of and adherence to secure coding techniques may be excellent, or it may be absent in the code. There are open source security risks taken when utilizing open source libraries.


Adopters of open source technology may fall victim to code that does not follow best practices for application security. This exposes the applications – and business – to potential vulnerabilities including:

  • Malware injections
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
  • Data exposure

Coding vulnerabilities

There are well-known vulnerabilities that seasoned developers know of, but not all open source projects have addressed:

Free Vulnerability Scanner
  • SQL injections— Code permits alteration of SQL scripts, allowing attackers to manipulate or compromise information in databases through modifying parameters.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) — Compromised web pages enable attackers to inject client-side scripts that will be executed by other users who view the web page. The damage may include extracting cookies, exposing sensitive data or defacing the existing website.
  • Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) — This is an access control vulnerability where the code refers to an object directly by user-supplied input. This can be a name or id that is supplied as a URL parameter. This might expose data unintentionally and give hackers information that is useful for other attacks on the site.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) — is when an end-user is forced or tricked into executing unwanted web requests for which they are currently authenticated. An attacker tricks the user into executing the actions of the attacker’s choosing. This can enable cyberthieves to modify or create profiles or user accounts for use in additional attacks.
  • Security misconfiguration — This vulnerability is often the result of using default configurations. Developers might not even know about these default settings but it might enable attackers to access the system or retrieve important user information, and even specific data regarding the application. This opens the door for future attacks that compromise those specific technologies.

Users and software providers continuously uncover security flaws. One such CSRF vulnerability was even detected on a popular social media site, which could have impacted millions of users if there had been a successful attack utilizing the weakness. Fortunately, the provider resolved the issue in short order, once it was brought to their attention.

These are only a few of the vulnerabilities that may be lurking in open source code, waiting for unethical cybercriminals to discover and use them to their advantage.

While many developers are well aware of secure coding practices, there is no guarantee that all practices have been adhered to or corrected when the vulnerabilities are identified. Some may still be present in available code for several years.

Why everyone should use an open source vulnerability scanner?

Implementing the use of an open source vulnerability scanner like Snyk offers many advantages to website developers and security teams. Such as vulnerabilities identification, actionability, documentation, licensing and security.

1. Identification

As vulnerabilities are discovered in code libraries, scanning offers a simplified process to determine any libraries present in a company’s portfolio. This allows for faster remediation of any exposure.

2. Action

Once risks are identified, vulnerability scanning allows the prompt discovery of all instances of the issue, permitting aggressive response and remediation of security problems and locking out potential attackers.

3. Documentation

Scanning open source code quickly reveals the open source frameworks and libraries that are included in applications. It tracks open source – where it is used, what version is used, and more. This also highlights any dependencies between open source components.

4. Licensing

Some open source requires licensing, even if it is available at no cost. Vulnerability scanning tools reveal open source modules to ensure compliance with any license requirements that could have legal implications.

5. Security

Using open source scanners as a standard practice for open source packages provides a sense of security for both management and developers. By detecting code vulnerabilities early in the development process, secure open source packages are used in the applications from the beginning, not after websites have been compromised.

Benefits of using open source vulnerability scanners

Many companies utilize open source components, operating systems, or containers to enhance applications that have been developed in-house.

Regardless of how open source code has been utilized in web development and deployment, anyone that utilizes open source functionality should incorporate the use of an open source vulnerability scanner.

Businesses must be proactive in discovering security issues before hackers and cybercriminals can exploit them. Open source scanning tools provide just such a capability for developers and IT security teams.

Best practices for security and discovery of weaknesses mandate that companies take responsibility for the integrity of open source components. Unknown vulnerabilities present unnecessary exposure to the corruption of applications, denial of service attacks, and data theft.

Organizations should implement open source vulnerability scanning as a standard procedure in developing and distributing applications. This offers continuous protection from cyberattacks and protects vital information.

Scan your projects for open source vulnerabilities


Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities for free with Snyk.


How to scan code with open source vulnerability scanner?

You can check your code for known vulnerabilities in public GitHub repos, npm packages and Docker images or use Snyk CLI to fix vulnerabilities both ad hoc and as part of your CI (Build) system.

What is open source scanning?

Open source scanning helps you to identify and fix vulnerabilities in your dependencies, to remain compliant with the open source software licenses in your projects and offers continuous protection from cyberattacks and protects vital information.

How do vulnerability assessment tools work?

Open source vulnerability assessment tools find vulnerabilities in the source code of an application. This works effectively in containerised applications as well. Just like an antivirus scans your device and finds out the threats, in the same way it vulnerability scanner scans your source code and provides vulnerabilities.

What is the best free vulnerability scanner?

Free Vulnerability Scanner Linux

Snyk is the best open source vulnerability scanner, because it empowers developers to own the security of their applications and containers with a scalable, developer-first approach to finding and fixing vulnerabilities. Snyk integrates seamlessly into existing workflows and provides automated remediation via its curated, best-in-class vulnerability database.

The Full version of the scanner includes all the tests from the LightFree Vulnerability Scanner scan and adds more complex security tests. It first crawls the target application then it sends various inputs into the parameters of the pages and looks for specific web vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, Local File Inclusion, OS Command Injection, and many more.

Free Vulnerability Scanner Online

Furthermore, the scanner also attempts to detect sensitive files from the server like backup files, old files, admin interfaces, archive files, etc.

Free Vulnerability Scanner Software

While the

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Light Scan is passive and generates a maximum of 20 HTTP requests to the server, the

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Full Scan is more aggressive and sends up to 10,000 HTTP requests. This may trigger alarms from IDS devices but you should know that it is not a destructive scan.
Free Vulnerability Scanner Since the Full Scan does a comprehensive website assessment, it can take up to several hours to complete.

Authenticated Scanning

The Website Vulnerability Scanner can scan the target web application as an authenticated user. The authentication can be configured in two ways:
  • User/Password Authentication: When this option is chosen, the scanner will first try to authenticate to the provided login URL and obtain a valid session cookie. This cookie will be used with all the HTTP requests done to the server, performing an authenticated scan. You have the option to check if the authentication was successful before actually starting the scan.
  • Cookie Authentication: With this option, you can specify an already valid session cookie (or multiple cookies) that will be sent with each HTTP request to the server. You have to first obtain the session cookie by manually logging in to your target application with a web browser and transferring the cookie from the browser to the scanner (copy/paste).
  • Headers Authentication: This option allows you to specify custom HTTP headers that will be sent with each request to the target application. These can be used for authentication (ex. JWT tokens, Basic Authentication, etc) or for other specific application functionality.
  • Recorded Authentication: This method gives you the possibility to record the steps required to authenticate into the target. The scanner will use this recording by replaying the actions and obtain a valid session every time it detects logging in again is required.