Many visions of Mother Mary occur within dream time. When you’re falling asleep or are fully asleep, your mind is wide open to heavenly visitations. Many people report having powerfully realistic dreams with angels, departed loved ones, Jesus, and Mother Mary. They clearly remember these dreams years later. Of course, Dreaming Mary isn't perfect. Interacting with people and things often depends on standing in exactly the right spot, which is a problem when finding the other endings depends on searching everywhere, even in places you wouldn't think to find anything. The other dream happened the next day or they day after and at that time i was admitted in the hospital for some reason. So in my dream I see the status of mother Mary at the foot of my bed and everything else seems normal and I was just asking everyone why the statue was at the foot of my bed and then i wake up.

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Dream is a sort of a movie that we dream after a rough day. Typically, we see the events that happened to us during the day. But what if the dream is not what happened, what we did not even think of? A good dream book will help to interpret your dream.
If a dreamer was worried about something at this point, the image of Virgin Mary can only foretell one thing - experiencing of emptiness, and in fact everything will be well, the answer from above is worth considering. After all, the Saints did not always come to the dreams of everyone. When this happens, it bodes that a dreamer will face divine grace. Some happy event awaits him/her.
In addition, if you see the Virgin Mary, it is significant to recall the details of a dream. Since only depending on the deeds of the Virgin Mary, whether gestures, words or wishes it is possible to know the importance of a dream.
If the Virgin Mary asked you something to do, never forget about her request, even if it is just a dream, in fact it means a lot in real life.
In addition, the Virgin Mary in a dream can mean a joyful event, basically having a new baby in your family. Mary also symbolizes the great happiness.
After dreaming of the Virgin Mary, a dreamer should visit the spiritual conversation in the church.
Mary is also an omen of good news that no one and nothing can spoil. And even better sign is a conversation with the Virgin Mary; this dream demonstrates that life is really getting better.
Some people do not believe in dreams, but if one dreams of something good, then everyone rushes to open a dream book to find out what could it be. Dream books help not only to predict certain events, but also to stop them from happening.

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Dreaming Mary

MARY MAGDALENE: Visiting the Fourth Dimension in Dreams

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On March 12, 2014

Question: I have lucid dreams that leave me physically exhausted the following day. Some I can recall in great detail, others I can’t remember at all. What happens to our bodies after these powerful dream states and what information, if any, are we receiving?

Mary Magdalene: In the third dimension, dreams are one of the ways in which you are able to experience the fourth dimension and interact with your reality in a fourth-dimensional way. What most of you are familiar with and recognize as the dream state is a fourth-dimensional realm. During much of your sleep time, you are resting in this realm and getting refreshed.

In the fourth dimension, beings enjoy constant rejuvenation. So they do not experience aging, degeneration, and disease the way that you do in the third dimension. Part of resting in the fourth dimension during the sleep state is to revitalize and rejuvenate your physical body. Because you are still based in the third dimension—where aging, degeneration, and disease are part of your reality—it is not possible to entirely reverse or eliminate the effects of these processes. They are part of what you, and all beings in the third dimension, have come to the third dimension to experience. Nonetheless, the time you spend in the fourth dimension during sleep has an effect of counteracting these processes, to a certain extent.

During your dream time, you are more consciously and actively involved in the fourth dimension. You experience some of the other qualities of the fourth dimension, especially the ability to manifest instantly. During your dreams, you are able to manifest virtually anything simply by thinking about it. Your thought calls it into manifestation.

Another quality of the fourth dimension is that it is very emotionally based. This is reflected in your dreams, as well. Most dreams have a strong emotional component or characteristic. If your dreams are nightmares, you tend to experience the emotion of fear very strongly. Some dreams are very enjoyable and pleasurable, such as sexual dreams or flying dreams. In these, the emotion you experience may be bliss, or ecstasy, or joy. Other dreams may be characterized by emotions such as curiosity, or stimulation (such as mental stimulation), or intrigue. All these are emotions that are common in the fourth dimension, which is also referred to as the astral plane.

Sometimes your dreams are a way of working out issues from your third-dimensional life or resolving karmas that you are carrying in your present incarnation. If you work through these things in your dreams, they are resolved just as powerfully and effectively as if you were to work through them in your waking consciousness. It is easier to do this kind of purifying work in the dream state than in your waking state. In general, it happens much more quickly and with much less effort. Nonetheless, you may wake up from these kinds of dreams feeling tired, as though you have just done a great deal of work. And indeed you have.

Some cultures have emphasized remembering, recording, and sharing dreams as way of fully receiving the benefits and gifts they provide. While this can be a valuable practice, it is not required for you to reap the benefits of the dreams or the work you do within the dreams. Those benefits occur whether you remember the dreams or not. However, remembering, recording, and sharing dreams may support you in integrating your third-dimensional world with the fourth dimension, and in that way may support you in your process of ascending into the fourth dimension. Remembering, recording, and sharing your dreams may help you to understand things in your current world differently—to take some things more easefully or with more lightness, and perhaps to value other things that you might not have tended to be aware of or considered significant. All this can be helpful.

If you are feeling exhausted from your dreams, I suggest you explore the option of recording and sharing them with others. Beyond that, I recommend taking care of yourself in all the ways I have recommended that people care for themselves in general in the midst of the ascension process. Get extra rest, as you need it. Eat well. Exercise. Spend time in nature. Meditate and pray regularly. Nurture yourself in life-supportive ways. And support yourself with relationships with others whose frequency of light and love supports you in maintaining the highest frequency you can.

With much love,

I AM Mary Magdalene

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Dreaming Mary

Dreaming Mary Explanation

Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to