Competition Demystified: A Radically Simplified Approach to Business Strategy. New York, N.Y.: Portfolio, September 2005. New York, N.Y.: Portfolio, September 2005. Each author name for a Columbia Business School faculty member is linked to a faculty research page, which lists additional publications by that faculty member. Competition Demystified 10 LOCAL CHAMPIONS In an increasingly global environment, with lower trade barriers, cheaper transportation, faster flow of information, and relentless competition from both established rivals and newly liberalized economies, it might appear that competitive advantages and barriers to entry will diminish. Competition Demystified is an insightful approach at simplifying Michael Porter's approaches in Competitive Strategy, and one of the best business strategy books I've read. Bruce Greenwald's central contention is that barriers to entry is by far the most significant competitive force, and focuses his analysis around it as the defining.
Greenwald, Bruce C. N.. Competition demystified: a radically simplified approach to business strategy / Bruce Greenwald and Judd. Kahn. p. cm. Includes index. Competition Demystified: A Radically Simplified Approach to Business Strategy professor Bruce Greenwald offers a bold new theory of competition – a theory. In Competition Demystified, Bruce Greenwald and Judd Kahn define strategy as outward facing decisions addressing two primary issues: the.
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Despite no background in business, I was able to follow everything. Porter identified a complex five-force model for studying competition in any market.
Greenwald proposes to focus only on one factor: He will probably achieve growth, but will it be profitable? He covers a wide range of examples, from retail to telecommunications to auction houses. The author also includes his own analysis on several companies regarding their place in their respective competitive market ocmpetition suggestions on how to go forward.
For me, I expected more to be written about luck, managerial prowess, and brand value even though he touches on these topics. Demand- switching costs, based on habit, demand that can’t be stolen easily 3. Personally, like Warren Buffett, I am somewhat skeptical to the long-term story when the current excess returns are a function of xompetition.
Jan 28, Andy rated it it was amazing. Greenwald draws on game theory to explain what you should do if competirion to entry are strong, weak, or nonexistent.
Want to Read Currently Reading Read. He covers a wide range of examples, from retail to telecommunications to auction houses. No trivia or quizzes yet. I expect it to be helpful in my job as a consultant to customers as well as my internal management role. Other parts are really interesting and fun because the book is some what old.
Supply- cost advantage, frequently from grernwald technology or by know-how 2. For example, what happens when there are barries to entry, how incumbent and entrant will behave along with strategies that could benefit the business.
I don’t find his argument to be lacking; although, his example with Apple may be a gfeenwald too pessimistic, looking xemystified what Apple has done in the past decade or so. Each topic is linked to an index of publications on that topic. However, for many investors a year period of outsized returns is sufficient. Market position is key for long-term profitability, usually together with either proprietary technology or customer captivity. I also believe the general strategy he proposes in this book to be beneficial.
The title aptly describes what this book is about: Greenwald draws on game theory to explain what you should do if barriers to entry are strong, weak, or nonexistent. Quotes from Competition Demys Published August 18th by Portfolio Hardcover first published Here we get a really good greeenwald to game theory, and have some high-profile cases to follow like the “Cola Wars” between Coke and Pepsi and the collusion between the Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction houses.
This book is the only book I know that goes kind of against Porter’s five forces and makes legit arguments. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. But Greenwald argues that there is only one essential factor in determining competitive advantages: Apr 29, Zahedul rated it really liked it.
And of course, as a lifelong value investor “The guru of Wall Street’s gurus”, apparentlyGreenwald includes a really great chapter on firm valuation and the implications of strategic dynamics of a firm. Want to Read saving…. Very helpful framework for understanding any underlying business and their competitive advantages. This structure makes understanding much easier, and it helps you remember and will also train your ability to apply the concepts in practice.
Greenwald, Bruce, and Judd Kahn. I highly recommend this book. The book has given me better ways to articulate strategy and strategic themes and approaches. Greenwald discusses why barrier of greenwal is the most significant force. Dec 12, J rated it really liked it. It says it’ll radically simplify and improve on Porter’s five forces. Greenwald finishes with suggestions on new valuation approaches for whole businesses or capital investments that can also encompass a company’s strategic position.
A necessary read for those interested in competitive analysis. Competition Demystified brought the strategic perspective to current and real world terms. Its a damn good book greenwaald illustrates many points which were previously unknown to me. FirstEagle has, as long-term value investors, an enviable track record, partly thanks to of the concepts in this book. Hardcoverpages. It is helpful in considering which business to develop, where to invest cometition what are good reasons to do so.
Bruce does a great job to make you think demystitied about certain things that are suppose to be the standard demyetified methodologies. Few match his knowledge in Value Investing and Corporate Strategy. He clearly explains a lot of concepts with real world examples.
Bruce C. N. Greenwald
Judd Kahn
Bruce Greenwald, one of the nation’s leading business professors, presents a new and simplified approach to strategy that cuts through much of the fog that has surrounded the subject. Based on his hugely popular course at Columbia Business School, Greenwald and his coauthor, Judd Kahn, offer an easy-to-follow method for understanding the competitive structure of your industry and developing an appropriate strategy for your specific position. Over the last two decades, the conventional approach to strategy has become frustratingly complex. It’s easy to get lost in a sophisticated model of your competitors, suppliers, buyers, substitutes, and other players, while losing sight of the big question: Are there barriers to entry that allow you to do things that other firms cannot?
Bruce C. N. Greenwald
Judd Kahn
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Bruce C. N. Greenwald
Judd Kahn
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