Added Antenna notes window, via Tools menu, for multiline/longer notes on a design. Included stand-alone NEC-TIE app in main YagiCAD directory, also available from Tools menu, that can import NEC(most nec2 and 4nec2 nec), YW(.yw), YO(.yag), MN and AO (.ant) style files and amongst other things convert them (if they are Yagi's) to a monotaper. Antenna modeling, especially in Amateur Radio. Widely used as the basis for many GUI-based programs on many platforms (including popular distributions such as 4nec2 and EZnec on Windows, xnec2c on Linux, and cocoaNEC for Mac OS X). Version 2 is open source, but Versions 3 and 4 are commercially licensed. Momentum: commercial Yes Yes Partial.
Antenna modeling used to be the domain of scientists and engineers with very expensive antenna ranges covering acres and acres of land strewn with expensive equipment. With the proliferation of personal computers and affordable (even free) software, antenna modeling has become a popular amateur activity. With modeling you can determine the pattern, feed point impedance and even the SWR of your antenna system before cutting one piece of wire or one tube of aluminum. This can save an awful lot of tree and tower climbing.
MMANA-GAL is an antenna-analyzing tool based on the moment method, which was introduced in MININEC. The program provides ability for changing the language of signs and messages of the program. In addition to English (default), Russian (more information about Russian MMANA available on DL2KQ's website: ) and Bulgarian, five more languages have been added with the new release. You now have the additional choice of German (by Alex Schewelew, DL1PBD and Ulrich Weiss, DJ2YA), [more information about German MMANA-GAL available on website: http://dl2kqde/mmana/4-7.htm ], Japanese (by Nobuyuki Oba, JA7UDE), Spanish (by Valentin Alonso Gracia, EA4GG & Dimitri Aguero, F4DYT), Serbian (by Slobodan Ilic' YU1GV), and Czech (by Martin Kratoska, OK1RR) user languages.
Users can easily write a file in their own language by editing the English one. This means, MMANA will be able to communicate with an user in ANY language, actually in the language of his operation system, and that users will be able to write language files themselves. Besides, a user is now able to edit the program's signs, messages and Help file in his own language.
For support, information, program downloads and support go to the Official MMANA-GAL website