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  1. Ansys Fluent Help
  2. Ansys Fluent Floating Point Exception
  3. Ansys Fluent User Guide

The ANSYS Fluent GPU capability was designed to work with the high memory GP-GPU's like the NVIDIA Tesla K40 or NVIDIA Quadro K6000 with 12 GByte memory, or the newer Quadro GPU's with even more horsepower and memory. NVIDIA has published an application note here. I am not certain how well a GeForce family GPU will perform.

Ansys Fluent Help



Hi, I managed to resole the issue with fluent, I am using 2020 R1. When opening fluent from the workbench a box opens with options such as 2D, 3D, double precision etc, then in the bottom right of that box there is a section that says GPGPU and this was originally at 0. ANSYS Fluent is known for its power, simplicity and speed, which has helped make it a world leader in CFD software, both in academia and industry. Unlike any other ANSYS Fluent textbook currently on the market, this book uses applied problems to walk you step-by-step through completing CFD simulations for many common flow cases, including. We've been updating the system for 2021R1 (from looking at the page) so try again later in the week. I download all of the documentation as it's then indexed and sections are linked between chapters and books. Mar 14, 2021 ANSYS Fluent is a CFD software that is particularly used for fluid flow modeling and heat transfer. Fluent was acquired by ANSYS Inc in 2006 for $299 million. The software has undergone various changes and improvements to cater to the needs of the industry.


sono uno studente e ho installato Discovery AIM student, ma tra le applicazione non riesco a trovare FLUENT.

Potete aiutarmi?

Ansys Fluent Floating Point Exception


Ansys Fluent User Guide

  • edited May 2020

    For Fluent you want Ansys Student, AIM is a simplified solver.

  • edited May 2020

    Fluente. Quando da 'Mesh' passo a 'Setup' mi esce questo: la licenza VKI non รจ disponibile. Puoi aiutarmi? Ho una licenza studenti

  • 3240 El Camino Real #290, Irvine, CA 92602Posts: 3,071Forum Coordinator

    How do you switch from Mesh to Setup (Solve ?) mode ?

    That should be just a warning message, not error and should not prevent you from using the Setup mode.

    Is this 2020 R1 ?

  • edited May 2020


    si 2020 R1, versione studenti. Realizzo la geometria e definisco le mesh del mio oggetto

    Poi passo alla finestra di lavoro 'setup'. A questo punto il mio solido non dovrebbe comparire automaticamente nella finestra di lavoro 'setup'?

    Ti ringrazio.

  • edited May 2020

    Close Fluent. Right click on the Mesh box(the lightning strike needs to be a green tick) on WB and update. It's a glitch, once you mesh you need to tell it it's going to Fluent.

  • edited May 2020


    Avrei una domanda da porvi. Sto modellano il comportamento di una WASTE VALVE di un Hydram. In pratica, con fluent, vorrei ricreare il movimento del pistone all'interno della valvola, chiudendola e aprendola. Per farlo dovrei scrivere un file UFD in linguaggio C che mi consenta di conferire il movimento al pistone. Avete qualche file UFD simile che potrei usare come modello, modificando le condizioni al contorno e la funzione che regola il movimento?

  • edited May 2020