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1 ЗАБОТА О РАСТЕНИЯХ!!! ДОМ - САД - ОГОРОД Электронное многофункциональное устройство Беспроводная агрометеостанция с индикатором полива Цифровые часы и будильник UTV-63 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ INSTRUCTION MANUAL Wireless Plant Station Soil Moisture Watering Alert Alarm Clock Производитель: Юниэл Лайтинг Индастриал Ко. Лтд. ; Адрес офиса: 813 8/F, Голливуд Плаза, 610 Натан Роад, Коулун, Китай; тел. +(852) Manufactured: Uniel Lighting Industrial Co. Ltd. ; Office address: 813 8/А, Hollywood Plaza, 610 Natan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong; China. Tel:+(852)

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2 ВНИМАНИЕ! При покупке устройства требуйте проверки его работоспособности! Перед использованием устройства обязательно ознакомьтесь с настоящей инструкцией и нижеприведенной информацией о мерах безопасности. Помните, что при утере настоящей инструкции с гарантийным талоном Вы лишаетесь права на гарантийный ремонт или обмен. МЕРЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Осторожно! Этот пиктографический знак указывает пользователю на информацию, пренебрежение которой может привести к травмам или материальному ущербу - беспроводной датчик имеет острый сенсор для вхождения в почву, убедитесь что маленькие дети не смогут играть с датчиком без присмотра взрослых; - батареи должны использоваться установленного типа с соблюдением правильной полярности и не должны подзаряжаться или разбираться, после извлечения из устройства должны храниться в недоступном для маленьких детей месте и не подвергаться механическим или термическим воздействиям; - независимо от нормальной работы устройства необходимо заменять батареи, по крайней мере, раз в три года, иначе разрядившаяся батарея может протечь содержащейся внутри кислотой, вызвав повреждение устройства и окружающих предметов; - ликвидация устройства не должна происходить путем сжигания, это может привести к взрыву некоторых компонентов и выделению токсичных материалов; - не рекомендовано использование муниципальных контейнеров для общего мусора, обратитесь к местным властям за рекомендациями по утилизации батарей и электронной аппаратуры; - фирма-производитель не несет ответственности за фактический, солидарный, случайный или косвенный ущерб, связанный, а также вызванный покупкой и использованием этого изделия, кроме случаев явно оговоренных законом; - эта публикация предоставляется на условиях «как есть», без каких либо гарантий, явных или подразумеваемых, включая, но, не ограничиваясь этим, предполагаемых гарантий коммерческого спроса, пригодности использования в определенных целях или ненарушения прав третьих лиц; - эта публикация может содержать технические неточности или типографские ошибки, для усовершенствования этой публикации и/или соответствующего устройства в этот документ в любое время могут вноситься изменения. КРАТКОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ И УСЛОВИЯ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ Это устройство предназначено для контроля за поливом различных видов комнатных и огородных растений путем установки в почву беспроводных датчиков влажности работающих на частоте 433МГц. Информация выводится на большой жидкокристаллический (ЖК) дисплей и при достижении критической влажности раздается сигнал о необходимости полива растения, кроме того в устройстве есть электронные часы с кварцевым стабилизатором частоты, календарь и будильник. Если Вы ожидаете, что устройство долго не будет использоваться, извлеките батареи, Не используйте одновременно старые и новые батареи, а также батареи разных типов. Устройство предназначено для работы внутри помещения на устойчивой горизонтальной поверхности в диапазоне температур о от 0 до 50 С при влажности 0-70% и ударных воздействиях до 10g. Для обеспечения длительной и надежной работы берегите устройство от повреждений, избегайте эксплуатации или хранения в местах, подверженных прямому солнечному облучению, резкой смене температур и повышенной влажности и запыленности, а также не подвергайте механическим и вибрационным нагрузкам. Запрещается протирать устройство органическими растворителями и спиpтосодеpжащими жидкостями. В случае необходимости можно протереть его сухой или смоченной в слабом водном растворе нейтрального бытового моющего средства и отжатой от лишней влаги мягкой тканью. Размещая устройство на мебели и т.п. рекомендуем подкладывать ткань или иной защитный материал. Беспроводной датчик втыкается в почву не далее 30 м от основного блока. Элементы конструкции (металл, бетон, дерево, кирпич и т.п.) могут значительно уменьшить дальность действия беспроводного датчика. Срок службы устройства 5 лет (исключая батареи) RU 2

3 НАЧАЛО РАБОТЫ Вставка/замена батарей в основном блоке 1. Аккуратно откройте крышку батарейного отсека внизу корпуса устройства; 2. Вставьте 2 батареи типа AA с соблюдением указанной полярности; 3. Закройте крышку батарейного отсека, убедитесь в ее фиксации. Вставка/замена батарей беспроводного датчика 1. При покупке выдерните защитный ярлычок из-под крышки батарейного отсека; 2. Если батарея разрядилась, откройте крышку поворотом против часовой стрелки; 3. Вставьте литиевую батарею типа CR2032 (c соблюдением полярности); 4. Закройте крышку батарейного отсека. Подключение беспроводного датчика 1) Нажмите и удерживайте клавишу КАНАЛ/ПОИСК (Channel/Search) на основном блоке для поиска беспроводного датчика 2) Выставьте нужный номер канала отверткой на селекторе беспроводного датчика; 3) Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку [Tx] внутри отделения для хранения батарей беспроводного датчика для передачи сигнала на основной блок прибора. 4) Когда все устройства будут синхронизированы, информация соответствующего канала будет отражена на дисплее главного блока 5) Для установки другого беспроводного датчика, выберите новый номер канала датчика и повторите процедуру, описанную выше. Индикация влажности почвы Уровень влажности почвы условно обозначается на дисплее в основном режиме работы устройства в виде отдельных столбцов гистограммы по каждому каналу и растет с увеличением количества полосок: Мокрая: 4 Полоски Сухая: 2 Полоски Увлажненная: 3 Полоски Очень сухая: 1 Полоска RU 3

4 Выбор каналов или их установка Нажимая клавишу КАНАЛ/ПОИСК (Channel/Search) несколько раз, выберите нужный канал в диапазоне 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 или режим автопрокрутки. Нажмите и удерживайте клавишу КАНАЛ/ПОИСК (Channel/Search) для поиска беспроводного датчика. Установка индикатора полива 1) Нажмите клавишу ПОЛИВ/УСТАНОВКА (Watering/Set). Индикатор уровня полива будет отражен на дисплее на нижней гистограмме, расположенной над номером канала; Вы можете выбрать нужный уровень полива, который зависит от типа вашего растения: 2) Нажмите клавишу ПОЛИВ/УСТАНОВКА (Watering/Set) еще раз для переключения между показателями влажности почвы и уровнем полива, отражаемыми на гистограмме; 3) Нажмите и удерживайте клавишу ПОЛИВ/УСТАНОВКА (Watering/Set) для входа в режим установки уровня полива (только для текущего канала); 4) Нажимая кнопки или, выставьте нужный уровень и нажмите клавишу ПОЛИВ/ УСТАНОВКА (Watering/Set) для подтверждения установок. Когда уровень влажности почвы вашего растения почти равен или ниже установленного значения уровня полива, устройство сигнализирует о необходимости полива, на дисплей будет выведен анимированный рисунок полива, также на дисплее над нижней гистограммой выбранного канала появится значок - «ведерко». Когда уровень влажности почвы выше установленного значения для уровня полива именно этого растения, на дисплее появится анимированный рисунок нормального функционирования вашего растения. Включение и отключение оповещения о необходимости полива Для включения или отключения сигнала оповещения о необходимости полива необходимо нажать клавишу ПОЛИВ БУДИЛЬНИК ВКЛ./ВЫКЛ. (Watering Alarm ON/ OFF). Когда сигнал включен, на дисплее появляется индикатор AL ((.)). Варианты настройки сигнала оповещения - Включение сигнала каждую минуту; - Выключение сигнала в период с 9 вечера до 9 утра; Настройка часов 1) Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку ЧАСЫ (Clock) для входа в режим установки и выбора между форматом 12/24 часа, часами и минутами; 2) Нажимая кнопки или, выставьте нужные вам значения; 3) Нажмите кнопку ЧАСЫ (Clock) для сохранения значений. Настройка будильника 1) Нажмите кнопку БУДИЛЬНИК (Alarm) для вывода на дисплей времени срабатывания будильника; 2) Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку БУДИЛЬНИК (Alarm) для входа в режим установки часов и минут будильника; 3) Нажимая кнопки или, выставьте нужные вам значения; 4) Нажмите кнопку БУДИЛЬНИК (Alarm) для сохранения значений. Технические характеристики Максимально возможное количество датчиков: 5 Количество каналов: 5 Радиус действия на открытом пространстве: до 30 метров, Радиочастота: RF433 MHz Количество уровней влажности: 4 Питание основного блока: 1,5 В * 2 шт. / AA Питание беспроводного датчика: 3 В * 1 шт. / CR2032 Размеры: RU 4

5 Дополнительная информация о комнатных и огородных растениях Различные растения требуют различного уровня влажности почвы. Некоторым необходима сухая почва, другим наоборот - повышенной влажности. Ниже приведены рекомендованные значения уровней полива для отдельных растений. Комнатное Растение Африканская фиалка (African Violet) Аглаонема (Aglaonema) Афеландра (Aphelandra) Предлагаемый уровень увлажнения Комнатное Растение Плющ обыкновенный (Ivy, English) Цисус полосатый (Ivy, Grape) 3 или выше Плектрантус южный (Ivy, Swedish) Аралия (Aralia) Толстянка Cеребристая (Jade Plant) Предлагаемый уровень увлажнения Ардизия (Ardisia) Каланхоя (Kalanchoе) Азалия (Azalea) Трава для озеленения (Landscape Plants) Солейроля (Baby's Tears) 3 Газон( Lawns) Бегония (Begonia) Маранта (Maranta) 3 Бромелад (Bromeliad) Полисциас кустарниковый (Ming Aralia) Кактус (Cactus) Сингониум (Nepthytis) Каладиум (Caladium) 3 Араукария азнолистная (Norfolk Island Pine) Аглаонема Скромная (Chinese Evergreen) Рождественский кактус (Christmas Cactus) Пальма, бамбук (Palms - Areca, Bambo) Пеперомия (Peperomia) Кофе (Coffee) Филодендрон (Philodendron) RU 5 3 Колеус (Coleus) Пилея (Pilea) Крассула (Crassula) Подакарпус (Podocarpus) Кротон (Croton) Потос (Pothos) Криптантус (Cryptanthus) Диффенбахия (Dieffenbachia) Драцена - Жанет Крейг, (Dracaena - Janet Craig) Маранта беложильчатая (Prayer Plant) Фикус каучуконосный (Rubber Plant) 3 Сансевиерия (Sansevieria) 3 Эонимус (Euonymus) Шеффлера (Schefflera) Дизиготека изящнейшая (False Aralia) Папортник - птичье гнездо, Саговник, Адиантум (Ferns - Bird Nest, Cycus) Сциндапсус (Schindapsus) Спатифиллум (Spathiphyllum)

6 Фикус (Ficus) Хлорофитум хохлатый (Spider Plant) Фикус Лировидный (Fiddleleaf Fig) Юка слоновая (Spineless Yucca) Фиттония (Fittonia) Кактусы (Succulents & Cactus) Эписция Медная (Flame Violet) Tiger Jaws Гинура (Gynura) Зебрина висячая (Wandering Jew) Кордилина, Ти-Плант (Hawaiian Ti) Хойя (Hoya) Афеляндра оттопыренная (Zebra Plant) Огородное Растение Предлагаемый уровень увлажнения Огородное Растение Предлагаемый уровень увлажнения Помидор (Tomato) 3 или выше Лук (Onion, Allium сера) Огурец (Cucumber, Cucumis) 3 или выше Горох (Pea, Pisum sativum) Морковь (Carrot) 3 Редис (Raphanus sativus) Свекла (Beet, Beta) 2 Роза чайная (Tea rose, Rosa odorata) Кабачок, цуккини (Vegetable marrow) Баклажан (Solanum melongena) Клубника (Strawberry, Fragaria) Укроп (Dill, Anethum graveolens) Петрушка (Parsley, Petroselinum crispum) 3 или выше RU или выше Тюльпан (Tulipa) 3 или выше Астра многолетняя (Aster) Лилия (Lily,Lilium) 1 или 2 3 Георгин (Dahlia) 3 Гладиолус (Gladiolus) 3 *** Данная информация предназначена исключительно для информации, различные факторы, такие как тип почвы, удобрения могут оказывать влияние на уровень влажности почвы и предполагаемый необходимый уровень полива. Мы не несем никакой ответственности за возможный ущерб, причиненный вашим растениям из-за неправильного ухода. Если Вы не нашли свое растение в приведенном списке, воспользуйтесь информацией в интернете или печатной литературе о степени влаголюбивости растения и проведите аналогии с растениями из списка. В любом случае соблюдайте рекомендации по частоте полива растений. Комплектность - электронное устройство - 1шт.; - беспроводной почвенный датчик - 1шт.; - подставка - 1шт.; - инструкция по эксплуатации с гарантийным талоном - 1 шт. - батареи АА - 2 шт. Не забудьте снять защитную плёнку с дисплея.

7 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Caution! The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product. - after removing the battery from the unit, put it in a safe place where it will not get into the hands of small children and accidentally swallowed; If accidentally swallowed, consult with immediately; -never charge batteries, try to take batteries apart, or allow batteries to become shorted. Never expose batteries to direct heat or dispose of them by incineration; misuse of batteries can cause them to leak and damage nearby items, and can create the risk of fire and personal injury; - always make sure that the battery s positive and negative ends are facing correctly when you load it into the unit; use only the type of battery specified for this unit in this manual. - never dispose of the unit and batteries by burning it. Doing so can cause certain components to suddenly burst, creating the risk of fire and personal injury; - all electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities; - for more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance and batteries, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product; - the displays and illustrations (such as key markings) shown in this User s Manual are for illustrative purposes only, and may differ somewhat from the actual items they represent; - the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. - in no event shall Uniel Lighting Co. Ltd. be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or con sequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials. Moreover Uniel Lighting Co. Ltd. shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party. This unit has PLANT MONITOR with SOIL MOISTURE, WATERING ALERT DIS- DISPOSING AND CARE OF THE UNIT PLAY & ALARM SETTING DIGITAL CLOCK with DAILY ALARM functions. Even if the unit is operating normally, replace the battery at least once every two years. Never leave a dead battery into the unit, they can leak causing damage of the unit. The battery that comes with this unit discharges slightly during shipment and storage. Because of this, it may require replacement sooner than the normal expected battery life. Low battery power can cause memory contents to become corrupted or lost completely. Avoid use and storage in areas subjected to temperature extremes. Do not mix old and new batteries. If the unit is not to be used for a prolonged period, such as a month or longer, remove the batteries to prevent possible corrosion. Should the battery compartment become corroded or dirty, clean the compartment thoroughly and replace the batteries. Very low temperatures can cause slow display response, total failure of the display, and shortening of battery life. Also avoid leaving the unit in direct sunlight near a window near a heater or anywhere else it might be exposed to very high temperatures. Heat can cause discoloration or deformation of the unit s case, and damage to internal circuitry. Take care never to leave the unit where it might be splashed by water or exposed to large amounts of humidity or dust. Such conditions can damage internal circuitry. Place the unit on a wall, away from sources of direct sunlight or excessive heat or moisture. Never drop the unit or otherwise subject it to strong impact. Never twist or bend the unit. Never try to take the unit apart. Never press the keys of the unit with a ballpoint pen or other pointed object. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the exterior of the unit. If the unit becomes very dirty, wipe it off with a cloth moistened in a weak solution of water and a mild neutral household detergent. Wring out all excess moisture before wiping the unit. Never use thinner, benzene or other volatile agents to clean the unit. Doing so can remove printed markings and can damage the case RU 7

8 PLANT MONITOR CLOCK ALARM CHANNEL / SEARCH WATERING / SET WATERING AL. ON/OFF Battery installation: Main unit: Open the battery door and insert 2 pieces of AA batteries according to the polarity shown. Remote sensor: For first time use, pull out the plastic strip from the battery door For battery replacement, remove the battery door and replace with a new CR2032 battery Setting up the sensor 1) Hold the [Channel/Search] button on the main unit to search for the sensor 2) Select the channel number on the remote sensor by rotating to the desired channel number 3) Hold the [Tx] button inside the battery compartment of the plant sensor to transmit sig-nal 4) Once RF synchronization is completed, the corresponding channel data will be displayed on the main unit To setup for another remote sensor, select different channel number on the sensor and follow above procedure. Soil moisture display Moisture Levels: Wet 4 bars Slightly Dry: 2 bars Slightly Wet: 3 bars Dry: 1 bar Channel / Search - Select channel from channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & auto-scroll - Hold to search for remote sensor RU 8

9 STARTING Watering / Set Press the [Watering] button and the watering level will be displayed on the lower bar chart display above the channel number. User can set this watering level depending on the type of their plant. - Press to toggle between soil moisture & watering number display mode on the lower bar chart - Hold to enter the watering number setting mode for the current channel Press / to select and [Watering / Set] to confirm setting When soil moisture level equal or below the watering number, it is time for watering and the display will show the watering graphic. A small bucket icon will also display above the lower bar chart of your channel. When soil moisture level is above the watering level, the healthy plant graphic will ap-pear. Watering alarm on/off Press to enable / disable the watering alarm (The AL ((.)) icon appears when it is enabled) Watering alarm beeping pattern: - Beeps once every 1 minute - It does not beep from 9pm to 9am Clock - Hold to enter the clock setting mode for 12/24 hr format, hour & minute - Press / to select and [clock] to confirm the setting Alarm - Press to show alarm time - Hold to enter alarm setting mode for hour & minute Press / to select and [alarm] to confirm setting Specifications Operating temp: Channel number: Soil moisture level: RF frequency: Transmission: Main batteries: Remote sensor Product size 0 C to 50 C (main unit & remote sensor) Maximum 5 channels 1 (dry) to 4 (wet) 433MHz up to 30M in open area 1,5 V * 2 pcs. / AA 3 V x 1 pcs / CR * 70 * 30 mm Reference Different plants require different level of soil moisture. Some plants prefer drier soil conditions and some like to be kept moist. Garden Plant Suggested watering level setting Garden Plant Suggested watering level setting Tomato 3 or above Onion, Allium сера 2 or above Cucumber, Cucumis 3 or above Pea, Pisum sativum 3 or above Carrot 3 Raphanus sativus 3 Beet, Beta 2 Tea rose, Rosa odorata 2 or above Vegetable marrow) 3 or above Tulipa 2 or above Solanum melongena 3 or above Aster 2 or above Strawberry, Fragaria 2 or above Lily, Lilium 1 or 2 Dill, Anethum graveolens 3 Dahlia 3 Parsley, Petroselinum crispum 2 or above Gladiolus RU 9

10 House Plant Suggested watering level setting House Plant Suggested watering level setting African Violet 2 or above Ivy, English 2 or above Aglaonema 2 or above Ivy, Grape 2 or above Aphelandra 3 or above Ivy, Swedish 2 or above Aralia 2 or above Jade Plant 1 or above Ardisia 2 or above Kalancho 1 or above Azalea 2 or above Landscape Plants 1 or above Baby's Tears 3 Lawns 1 or above Begonia 2 or above Maranta 3 Bromeliad 1 or above Ming Aralia 2 or above Cactus 1 or above Nepthytis 2 or above Caladium 3 Norfolk Island Pine 1 or above Ferns - Bird Nest, Boston, Bear's Paw, Cycus, Holly, Maidenhiar, Mini Rabbit's Foot, Pteris, Staghorn 1 or above Palms - Areca, Bamboo, Fishtail, Kentia, Lady, Ponytail Pador Christmas Cactus 1 or above Peperomia 1 or above Coffee 2 or above Philodendron 2 or above Coleus 2 or above Pilea 2 or above Crassula 1 or above Podocarpus 3 Croton 2 or above Pothos 2 or above Cryptanthus 1 or above Prayer Plant 2 or above Dieffenbachia 1 or above Rubber Plant 1 or above Dracaena - Janet Craig, Lance, Marginate, Warneckei 3 Sansevieria 1 or above Euonymus 2 or above Schefflera 2 or above False Aralia 2 or above Schindapsus 2 or above Chinese Evergreen 2 or above Spathiphyllum 2 or above Ficus 1 or above Spider Plant 1 or above Fiddleleaf Fig 1 or above Spineless Yucca 1 or above Fittonia 2 or above Succulents & Cactus 1 or above Flame Violet 2 or above Tiger Jaws 1 or above Gynura 2 or above Wandering Jew 1 or above Hawaiian Ti 2 or above Zebra Plant 2 or above Hoya 1 or above *** Above table is for reference only and different factors such as the type of soil & fertilizer may affect the actual soil moisture level & the suggested watering level. We do not take any liability for any loss or damage caused by this reference table RU 10


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Te Aute College


Coordinates39°49′38″S176°38′04″E / 39.8273°S 176.6345°ECoordinates: 39°49′38″S176°38′04″E / 39.8273°S 176.6345°E
TypeState Integrated, Boys, Secondary
MottoWhakatangata Kia Kaha
Quit ye like men – be strong
Ministry of Education Institution no.232
PrincipalShane Hiha
School roll86[2](March 2021)
Socio-economic decile3G[1]

Te Aute College (Māori: Te Kura o Te Aute) is a school in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand. It opened in 1854 with twelve pupils under Samuel Williams, an Anglicanmissionary, and nephew and son-in-law of Bishop William Williams. It has a strong Māori character.

It was built on land provided by Ngai Te Whatuiapiti, a hapū of the Ngāti Kahungunuiwi. In 1857, a Deed of Gift transferred the land from Te Whatuiapiti to the Crown, with a request that it be granted to the Bishop of New Zealand and his successors.



Te Aute is situated within a valley of significant strategic importance to local hapū. The nearby Roto-a-Tara pā had been the key stronghold for Te Whatuiapiti during the Musket Wars, and was still a key settlement during the 1850s. From as early as 1840 the Anglican Bishop William Williams had established a mission station at Gisborne and was proselytizing actively among the East Coast tribes, and William Colenso had established a mission in Napier. Plans to establish a school for the local hapū were in motion from as early as 1851, when large blocks of Māori land in the region were acquired by the Crown. Then, when Colenso was dismissed from his mission in 1851, Williams' nephew Samuel Williams took up residence in the region, and began advancing the plan to establish a school. He met with Te Whatuiapiti representatives at Roto-a-Tara pā on 17 April 1853, accompanied by the Governor Sir George Grey, who provided the Crown's backing for the plan.[3] An agreement was made at that meeting for a school to be established at Te Aute, with the crown supplying 4000 acres of land and Te Whatuiapitihapū gifting an additional 3397 acres. In recent decades, the original acquisition of the Crown's portion of land gifted for the school has been the subject of a Waitangi Tribunal claim, which is presently in the settlement process.[4]

Early history[edit]

After only five years in operation, a fire destroyed much of the college and forced its closure in 1859. Samuel Williams began fundraising for the reconstruction of the college, accumulating £700 by 1870 – in part thanks to financial assistance from an aunt, Catherine Heathcote.[5] Rebuilding began in 1871 and was completed in 1872.[6] The college was reopened in 1872 under John Reynolds as headmaster.[7][8] It began to grow steadily, with 24 Māori and 3 English boarders in attendance by 1874, and some day pupils.[6]

Te Aute College Chapel, designed by Charles Natusch

The college chapel was constructed in 1900, in a design by architect Charles Natusch.[9]

Between 1878 and 1912 Te Aute was led by headmaster John Thornton, who implemented a curriculum developed along the lines of an English grammar school. In 1883 the college was visited by James Henry Pope, the government-appointed inspector of native schools, and received praise for Thornton's curriculum. Pope described the standards reached at Te Aute in mathematics and science as 'equal to those of any secondary school in the country.'[10]

I tried from the very first to raise the standard of the school, and … conceived the idea of preparing Maori boys for the matriculation examination of the New Zealand University ... I saw that the time would come when the Maoris would wish to have their own doctors, their own lawyers, and their own clergymen, and I felt it was only just to the race to provide facilities for their doing so.

— John Thornton, Headmaster (1878–1912)[11]

By 1900 Te Aute was renowned for high academic standards and had become pre-eminent among Māori boarding colleges, as it was sending several boys onto university each year.

20th century[edit]

In 1906 a Royal Commission of Inquiry was established to investigate the effectiveness of teaching at Te Aute and other Māori boarding colleges. George Hogben, the newly appointed inspector of native schools, recommended that the college discontinue instruction in Latin, euclidean geometry, and algebra, and increase agricultural and manual instruction. His view was that the most academically able students could be sent to ordinary secondary schools, and he predicted that eventually Te Aute would have no role to play in preparing boys for university.[11][12][13] Thornton defended the existing academic curriculum, arguing that Māori opinion favoured academic instruction and that Māori parents relied on Te Aute for academic rather than vocational education.[11] Ultimately the commission recommended that greater emphasis be placed on manual and technical instruction in agriculture, and the college's trustees complied under pressure from the Department of Education.[11] In the following years the college's attempted pivot toward vocational instruction began alienating academically gifted students, notably Golan Maaka. In 1922, Maaka became disillusioned with the heavy focus on agricultural instruction and the lack of Māori cultural studies at the college. He left Te Aute as a result and completed his schooling in Dannevirke instead.[14]

In 1918 the college was damaged significantly by fire again. This coincided with the impact of the 1918 influenza epidemic, ultimately forcing the college to close temporarily. Reconstruction planning began immediately, with college trustees opting for more modern brick buildings. While construction planning continued, the college reopened in 1919 under a new headmaster E. G. Loten. Loten was a proponent of agricultural education, and satisfied the Department of Education's wish for an agriculturally intensive curriculum.[15] On 9 September 1922 the foundation stone of the first new brick facility was laid by Churchill Julius, the Archbishop of New Zealand. It was named The Julius Wing and was opened in April 1923. Later that year, the foundation stone of the second brick facility was laid by the Governor General, The Viscount Jellicoe, and the building was named The Jellicoe Wing. The third and final brick facility was the largest – it contained the college library, its assembly hall and its administration offices – and was named after Governor GeneralSir Charles Fergusson, who laid its foundation stone in 1926 and officially opened it in 1927.[16]

On 3 February 1931, the college was severely damaged by the Hawke's Bay earthquake. No lives were lost, but the top storey of the Jellicoe and Julius wings were levelled, and the tower atop the Fergusson block collapsed. The buildings were repaired and reinforced, but the cost of £7,769 placed an enormous financial burden on the college.

On 27 November 1986, the house of Allen Williams was recognised as a Category I heritage building by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust. Williams was a nephew of Samuel Williams, and the house – known as The Cottage – is the last remaining residential building from the time of the college's foundation.[17]

In 1992 Hukarere Girls' College was closed, and many of its students were permitted to board at Te Aute instead. As a result, the college became co-educational, but later reverted to a boys' school when Hukarere was reopened in 1993.

Young Māori Party[edit]

Te Aute College playing school rugby in New Plymouth against New Plymouth Boys' High School in 1968

The Young Māori Party established in 1902, which was dedicated to improving the position of Māori, grew out of the Te Aute Students Association, started by former students of the college in 1897.[18] Old boys of Te Aute who were associated with the Young Māori Party include Rēweti Kōhere, Āpirana Ngata, Te Rangi Hīroa, Paraire Tomoana and Māui Pōmare.

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  • The Reverend Samuel Williams (1854–1859)[5]
  • John Reynolds (1872–1878)
  • John Thornton (1878–1912)
  • The Reverend J. A. McNickle (1912–1919)
  • E. G. Loten (1919–1950)
  • Richard Webb (1951–1966)
  • Noel Vickridge (1966–1973)
  • The Reverend Phillip Cherrington (1974–1976)
  • Awi Riddell (1977–1989)
  • Ngāhiwi Tangaere (1989–1994)
  • Brian Morris (1995)
  • Darrell Waiti (1996–2001)
  • Lennie Johns (2002–2003)
  • Wikitoria Osborne (acting) (2003–2004)
  • Tom Ratima (2004)
  • Tauira Takurua (2005–2008)
  • Darrell Waiti (2008)
  • Pripi McRoberts Blake (2009–2013)
  • Shane Hiha (2013–present)


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In 1973, the college was again hit by financial difficulties, but a direct appeal for assistance to the Prime Minister, Norman Kirk, secured Te Aute's future. In 1977 an agreement between Te Aute Trust Board and the Government resulted in Te Aute becoming a State Integrated School.


Several scholarship funds have been set up since the college's establishment. In October 1877, Sir Douglas Maclean set up the Te Makarini Trust with an initial endowment of £3,000, which still provides annual scholarships to gifted students.[19] The fund was established in memory of Sir Donald McLean, an influential figure in Māori-settler relations in the mid-1800s and a prominent Hawke's Bay magistrate. In 1908, a legacy of £1,000 from the late Sir Walter Buller was gifted to the Te Aute Trustees for investment, the proceeds of which provided for a scholarship for many of the college's students over the following decades.[19]

Notable alumni[edit]

  • Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu — Soldier of the Māori Battalion posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross in 1943
  • Thomas Rangiwahia Ellison — All Black (1893), also played in the New Zealand Native team (1888–1889)
  • Te Rangi Hīroa (Sir Peter Buck) — anthropologist and historian, medical doctor, and Member of Parliament for the Northern Māori electorate (1909–1914)
  • Taituha Peina Kingi — All Black[20] (early 1920s)
  • Sir Howard Morrison — singer and entertainer who gained fame as part of the Howard Morrison Quartet
  • Sir Sidney Moko Mead — Internationally renowned anthropologist, established the department of Māori studies at Victoria University of Wellington
  • Sir Āpirana Ngata — Member of Parliament for the Eastern Māori electorate (1905–1943), Minister of Māori Affairs (1928–1934)
  • Golan Maaka — among the first Māori general practitioners of medicine, pioneer in Māori health[21]
  • Sir Māui Pōmare — Pioneer in Māori health, Member of Parliament for the Western Māori electorate (1911–1930), Minister of Health (1923–1926)
  • Sir Pita Sharples — Member of Parliament for Tamaki Makaurau (2005–2014), Minister of Māori Affairs (2008–2014), co-leader of the Māori Party (2004–2013)
  • Karl Te Nana — Gold medalist in rugby sevens at the 2002 Commonwealth Games
  • Paraire Tomoana — journalist, historian, and lyricist known for his composition of Pokarekare Ana
  • William Brown Turei — Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
  • Piri Weepu — All Black (2004–2013)
  • Norm Hewitt — All Black (1993–1998)
  • Manu Bennett — Film and television actor, appeared in the Starz series Spartacus,Peter Jackson's adaptations of The Hobbit, and The CW series Arrow
  • Joe Royal — Māori All Blacks player (2013)
  • Riki Flutey – NZ Under 19s (1999), England (2008), British and Irish Lions (2009)
  • Pakaariki Harrison — Nationally acclaimed master carver
  • Jamie Dixon, head coach of the University of Pittsburgh men's basketball team (2003–2016), began his professional coaching career while teaching at Te Aute in 1989
  • Kane Hames, rugby union player, including All Blacks
  • George Skudder, rugby union player, including All Blacks (1969–1973)
  • Dudley Tuti, an Anglicanbishop in the Solomon Islands[22]


Allen Roth 10x12 Gazebo Instruction Manual

  1. ^'Decile Change 2014 to 2015 for State & State Integrated Schools'. Ministry of Education. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
  2. ^'New Zealand Schools Directory'. New Zealand Ministry of Education. Retrieved 27 April 2021.
  3. ^Graham, J.P.H (2009). 'Ngai Te Whatuiapiti and Mana Whenua'. An examination of the contribution of Te Aute College to Māori Advancement(PDF) (PhD). Massey University. Retrieved 3 June 2017.
  4. ^Graham, J.P.H (2009). 'Ngai Te Whatuiapiti and Mana Whenua'. An examination of the contribution of Te Aute College to Māori Advancement(PDF) (PhD). Massey University. Retrieved 3 June 2017.
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  6. ^ abWilliams, William (1974). The Turanga Journals, 1840–1850. F. Porter (Ed) Wellington. p. 604.
  7. ^Harvey-Williams, Nevil (March 2011). 'The Williams Family in the 18th and 19th Centuries – Part 3'. Retrieved 21 December 2013.
  8. ^Woods, Sybil M. (1981). Samuel Williams of Te Aute. Pegasus Press.
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  10. ^Renwick, William. 'Pope, James Henry'. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Retrieved 28 December 2016.
  11. ^ abcdBarrington, John. 'Thornton, John'. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  12. ^Roth, Herbert. 'Hogben, George'. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Retrieved 28 December 2016.
  13. ^Jessica Hutchings and Jenny Lee-Morgan (editors) (2016). 'Chapter 1, Reclaiming Māori education, by Ranginui Walker'(PDF). Decolonisation in Aotearoa: Education, research and practice. NZCER Press. ISBN978-0-947509-17-0.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  14. ^Graham, J.P.H (2009). 'Loten comes to Te Aute College'. An examination of the contribution of Te Aute College to Māori Advancement(PDF) (PhD). Massey University. Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  15. ^Graham, J.P.H (2009). 'Loten comes to Te Aute College'. An examination of the contribution of Te Aute College to Māori Advancement(PDF) (PhD). Massey University. Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  16. ^Graham, J.P.H (2009). 'Rebuilding Te Aute College'. An examination of the contribution of Te Aute College to Māori Advancement(PDF) (PhD). Massey University. Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  17. ^'The Cottage'. Register of Historic Places. Heritage New Zealand. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
  18. ^'Te Aute College – significant dates in the history of the school'(PDF). Te Aute College. Retrieved 27 July 2014.
  19. ^ abWard, Alan. 'McLean, Donald'. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  20. ^'Peina Taituha – New Zealand'. Retrieved 22 November 2014.
  21. ^Haami, Bradford. 'Golan Haberfield Maaka'. Dictionary of New Zealand Biography. Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Retrieved 1 December 2011.
  22. ^Solomon Encyclopaedia
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