Welcome to Adobe® Flash Professional CC. This page contains late-breaking product information and updates not covered in the Flash Professional documentation.

Download Adobe Flash Professional free. Creating rich, interactive content for digital, web, and mobile platforms. Flash Professional CC - MAC PClink - more creative with enhanced HTML5 support using the updated Toolkit for CreateJS, which includes. Download free Adobe Flash Player software for your Windows, Mac OS, and Unix-based devices to enjoy stunning audio/video playback, and exciting gameplay. Adobe Animate CC 2017 16.0.0 MAC Full is the premiere application for creating expressive animation and interactive content enabling publication to multiple platforms including Flash Player and AIR, HTML5 Canvas, WebGL, and even custom platforms such as Snap.svg, to reach viewers on virtually any desktop or mobile device. Adobe Flash Mac free download - Adobe Flash Professional CC, Adobe Flash Lite, Adobe Flash MX 2004 Updater, and many more programs.

Update to Flash Professional CC available

For more information, see Flash Professional CC 2014 Release Notes.

The December 2013 update for Flash Professional CC contains critical bug fixes. Adobe recommends that you install this update.

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The latest Flash Professional release is a major update that enables you to natively create and publish HTML5 Canvas content. You can convert existing CreateJS content to HTML5 Canvas using JSFL script. The update also contains fixes to some critical bugs.

For more information, see What's New for Flash Professional CC.

Flash Professional CC November 2013 Update contains important bugs fixes. The following is a list of critical bugs fixed in this update:

  • [Reference #3583725]: (Mac 10.9 only) Playing sound in the timeline (not in a swf) causes a buzzing sound, which remains until you quit Flash CC.
  • [Reference #3548347]: Flash CC crashes on closing a .fla file that has an empty group.
  • [Reference #3590905]: (MAC 10.6 only) Flash CC crashes on exporting a .gif file.
  • [Reference #3595461]:Flash CC crashes on launch if the action-script editor preference is set to fonts like _typewriter,_sans,_serif.

Adobe recommendeds that you install this update.

Please refer to Adobe Support http://www.adobe.com/go/customer_support for late-breaking information and known issues for all Creative Cloud applications.

  • [Reference #3637900]: Unused sound item in the library is not copied to the new HTML5 Canvas document on running the Convert AS3 to HTML5 Canvas document command.

Flash Professional CC 13.0.1 Update contains important bugs fixes. The following is a list of all bugs fixed in this update:

  • [Reference #3590263]: The Welcome Screen fails to load on launching Flash CC. And also, Flash CC crashes on creating a document, if FlashFirebug add-on is enabled for Mozilla Firefox. Due to this, the Test Movie window does not load.
  • [Reference #3597140]: Frame scripts added, modified, and saved to a movieclip is lost on closing a reopened document.
  • [Reference #3606259]: Flash straightens the first curve drawn using a Wacom tablet.
  • [Reference #3603351]: 'Cannot load scene into memory' on opening a saved file whose publish settings has duplicate profile entries.
  • [Reference #3588521]: Flash CC freezes on closing, intermittently. It is strongly recommended that you download and install this patch from Microsoft.
  • [Reference #3594685, #3592211, #3598994]: Memory corruption issues when working with Timeline and Sprite sheets.
  • [Reference #3585379]: Flash CC freezes when zooming-in on a large canvas, with filters applied for objects on stage.
  • [Reference #3549614]: Flash CC crashes on setting some specific fonts in code editor preferences.
  • [Reference #3427773]: Flash CC crashes on exporting images and SWF files on Mac 10.6.

Adobe recommendeds that you install this update.

For the latest system requirements visit http://www.adobe.com/go/flash_systemreqs

In addition to the Adobe Flash Professional CC system requirements, applications created using AIR for iOS will only run on devices that support iOS 4.2 or higher and iPod Touch 3rd & 4th generation, iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, and 5, and iPad 2 & 3.

Applications created and published from Flash Professional CC for Android platforms will run on devices that run Google Android™ 2.3 operating system or higher. For a list of the latest certified devices, please visit www.adobe.com/flashplatform/certified_devices/

Note: MAC OSX 10.6 is not supported with Flash Professional CC.

For detailed instructions on installation, visit the installation page

Creative Cloud trials are 'try and buy', allowing you to evaluate individual products or editions and then convert the installed trial to a full version. You can convert from a trial to a full version at any time by signing up for a subscription. You are required to be online and log-in with an Adobe ID to start using your full version.

Internet connection, Adobe ID, and acceptance of license agreement are required to activate and use this product. This product may integrate with or allow access to certain Adobe or third-party hosted online services. Adobe services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms of use and Adobe’s online privacy policy (see http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/legal.html). Applications and Services may not be available in all countries or languages and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or membership charges may apply.

For the complete list of new features with Flash Pro CC, see this page.

The Adobe Flash Professional Toolkit for CreateJS 1.2 is now fully integrated with Flash Professional CC that enables designers and animators to create assets for HTML5 projects using the open source CreateJS JavaScript libraries. It supports most of the core animation and illustration capabilities of Flash Professional, including vectors, bitmaps, tweens, sounds, button, and JavaScript timeline scripting. With one click, the Toolkit for CreateJS exports the contents on the stage and in the library as JavaScript that can be previewed in the browser to help you start building expressive HTML5-based content in no time.

The latest Toolkit update also contains several critical bug fixes related to JSX errors. For more information, see this article.

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  • For queries specific to Adobe Flash Professional, visit http://forums.adobe.com/community/flash.
  • To find help on topics related to downloading, installing, and getting started with your software visit http://www.adobe.com/go/download_forums_en
  • For product help plus community-based instruction, inspiration, and support, visit http://helpx.adobe.com/flash.html
  • For general Adobe Forums, visit http://www.adobe.com/go/customer_support_en
  • For Adobe Flash Professional Blogs, visit http://blogs.adobe.com/flashpro/

To submit feature request and bugs for Flash Professional, please send our team an email by completing the following form: http://www.adobe.com/go/wish/

Flash Professional CC supports the publishing of AIR applications for Android so developers can deliver applications to Google Play. Developers will need to establish an account with the Android Market to publish their application. For more information, visit http://market.android.com/publish to set up an account.

Developers can deliver applications built with AIR for iOS to the Apple App Store. This requires the developer to be a member of the iOS Developer Program and follow the program guidelines.

A developer certificate from Apple is required in order to test and deploy applications to iOS devices. Apple provides information on its developer programs at http://developer.apple.com/ios/

For the latest information about Adobe AIR releases, go to http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_air_relnotes_en

Adobe Extension Manager CC allows you to download and install useful extensions for Flash Professional CC. To install Extension Manager CC, go to Help > Manage Extensions. This installs Extension Manager CC automatically.

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For more information about Extension Manager, visit this page.